Colorado ARES News

CCARC Guidelines on Hotspots

Hotspot usage by amateur radio operators has previously caused known interference with AMSAT operations utilizing the UHF band. To facilitate efficient use of the limited resources allocated to the Amateur Radio Service, the Colorado Council of Amateur Radio Clubs (CCARC) has made the following recommendation...

Region 2 Emergency Coordinator Interviewed on Fox21

John Bloodgood, Colorado ARES Region 2 Emergency Coordinator, was interviewed by Fox21 in Colorado Springs following the Memphis bombing that caused widespread interruption of communications in that area. John discussed the capabilities provided by amateur radio operators and had suggestions for the general public regarding...

WINMOR is Deprecated

WinLink Winmor is Deprecated 10 July 2020 — The Board of Directors of the Amateur Radio Safety Foundation voted in a recent virtual meeting to deprecate the WINMOR HF mode in the Winlink system. The protocol was introduced by its author Rick Muething, KN6KB, at...