Author: Wayne Heinen N0POH
Announcing HamCon Colorado 2025 – ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention!Join us for the premier amateur radio convention in the Rocky Mountain region—HamCon Colorado 2025!Whether you’re a seasoned ham operator, a curious newcomer, or a tech enthusiast, this is the event you won’t want to miss....
This year, the Colorado Section’s SET will be held on Saturday, October 26th, beginning at 13:00 hours. Colorado Section ARES districts have been preparing for this event for several months with mini SETs and tabletop exercises. Let this year’s ARRL Simulated Emergency Test be a...
Colorado Governor Jared Polis has proclaimed June 19th through June 25th Amateur Radio Week in Colorado. View the Proclamation!
Skywarn Liaison George Weber KB0BSA reminded everyone that this Saturday 12/3 is Skywarn Recognition Day and encourages everyone to participate by contacting WX0DEN, the Boulder National Weather Service station. He also will be doing a DMR test, starting at 5:00 pm on Friday December 2nd. ...
Colorado ARES benefits from our relationship with Rocky Mountain Ham Radio through their development and maintenance of the RM Ham linked DMR system. CO ARES and RM Ham have maintained a Memorandum of Understanding for CO ARES’ use of the RMH linked system of DMR...
Colorado ARES members are encouraged to enroll in Colorado Volunteer Mobilizer (CVM). CVM is provided to Colorado ARES by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). CVM is a volunteer management tool providing: Member Roster Training Tracking Contact Management Activation Notification State Issued...
One of the most common questions I receive is, “when is the next AuxComm class and how do I enroll”? Selection for future classes is made from people that have completed the class prerequisites and the application process. The application process and volunteer requirements are...
DEVELOP YOUR CAPABILITIES A key emcomm capability for both Colorado ARES and the Colorado DHSEM AuxComm Unit is the ability to communicate digitally within our organizations and with our partner agencies. Winlink Global Radio Email®️ is the standard used by our organizations. “The system is...
Hotspot usage by amateur radio operators has previously caused known interference with AMSAT operations utilizing the UHF band. To facilitate efficient use of the limited resources allocated to the Amateur Radio Service, the Colorado Council of Amateur Radio Clubs (CCARC) has made the following recommendation...
John Bloodgood, Colorado ARES Region 2 Emergency Coordinator, was interviewed by Fox21 in Colorado Springs following the Memphis bombing that caused widespread interruption of communications in that area. John discussed the capabilities provided by amateur radio operators and had suggestions for the general public regarding...